My Story.
While I’ve always loved health and nutrition, having children is what truly sparked my passion for holistic wellness. With my oldest son, I planned on having an all natural birth at a birth center. At 34 weeks, I discovered that my perfectly laid plans may not happen: my son was breech, and with his particular position and size there wasn’t a midwife in Texas that would attempt to deliver me.
I switched care and ended up having a wonderful, family-centered Cesarean. I knew, however, that due to his birth there may be certain health implications I would have to be on the lookout for (as children delivered through cesarean don’t have the same microbial bath that babies born vaginally do - hence their microbiome does not develop as efficiently).
Sure enough, he soon began displaying some signs of digestive upset. I started an elimination diet (GAPs protocol) and saw substantial improvement. When it was time to begin table food several months later, I discovered a few books and Doctors that further opened my eyes to the importance of health (The Weston A. Price Foundation, Super Nutrition for Babies and Nourishing Traditions to name a few).
Upon realizing how toxic many baby products (even the ones touted as natural!) were and how many dyes and additives were being put in food marketed towards children, I was truly shocked. I began thoroughly vetting every product I brought into my home and used on my family and dove deeper into the optimal nutrition for growing healthy children.