Looking for guidance and nutritional advice but not ready to dive into a package? A one time Q&A Call is a perfect fit. We’ll e-mail beforehand with preliminary information so we can make the most of our 60 minute consultation. This is an ideal fit for parents with specific questions and scenarios regarding feeding children, including introducing solids and working with picky eaters. Following our call, you’ll receive a summary with specific resources, suggested next steps and access to practitioner supplements if appropriate.
$400 - One Hour
Our comprehensive initial intake process includes a physical symptom burden analysis, current toxic load review, food and mood intake anlaysis, sleep, stress and movement review and a medical history review. After initial intake paperwork has been received, we’ll have an in depth 90 minute consultation to review information, set health goals and discuss specific next steps and strategies. Following our call, you’ll receive an in-depth analysis of your current symptom burden load as well as specific resources, recommended next steps, and access to practitioner supplements if appropriate.
$750 - 90 Minute Initial Call
The 3 month package begins with the comprehensive initial intake process. This includes a physical symptom burden analysis, current toxic load review, food and mood intake analysis, sleep, stress and movement review and a medical history review.
After initial intake paperwork has been received, we’ll have an in depth 90 minute consultation to review information, set health goals and discuss specific next steps and strategies.
Following our call, you’ll receive an in-depth analysis of your current symptom burden load as well as specific resources, recommended next steps, and access to practitioner supplements if appropriate.
We will then meet every other week for the 3 month duration for 30 minutes to assess progress and make changes as needed.
Every month, we will complete another round of Food and Mood Journal and Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire and make further changes to your bio-individual healing protocol based on results. Additional functional testing and labs may be recommended as well.
This package is best for those looking for a long term healing protocol and are willing to invest the time and energy to improving overall health.